Why 3D Impressions Specialists | Custom In Ear Monitors UK | Dakin Custom Audio
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The Official Home of 

3D Ear Scanning

For In Ear Monitors

Why did we Bring 3D Impressions to the uk?

Traditional impressions using expandable foam is an old technique that we feel has had its time.


With single-use materials, an invasive and often sometimes uncomfortable experience, we believe there is a better, more eco - friendly way to grab your impressions. 

In an industry making leaps forward in technology, global manufacturers are working exclusively with DCA to embrace this new, greener, and more accurate way of working.

See why best is now available for everyone, anywhere in UK.

 A single 3D scan of your ear can be up to 80% quicker than a traditional foam impression.

No need to sit and let material go off in your ears, by the time a traditional Otoblock is safely placed in your ear canal ready for filling, we've scanned your whole ear.

- Quicker -

80% faster than a traditional impression.

- Zero Waste -

The eco-friendly way

to take impressions.

 We have eradicated the need for additional single-use plastics and the non-recyclable medical products normally used to create traditional impressions. 

Just one piece of equipment. 

One digital scan.

Infinite uses.

Your impression,

Infinitely reproducible  

- Simpler -

Fewer steps, fewer errors, better IEMs. 

 Our process has 50% fewer steps than a traditional impression and instantly creates a perfect digital representation of your ear.


This can be sent instantly to your chosen manufacturer, there and then.


No rejected impressions. 

Shorter waiting times.

- Safer -

Less invasive than

foam impressions.

All scanning takes is:

One ear examination

One scan inside your ear canal.

Perfect for sensitive ears with minimal interference inside the canal. 

Reduced time with equipment in your ear canal


Helping World LEading

Manufacturers Embrace

A new Era

DCA was founded to change the way that people access In Ear Monitoring and that starts with our partners.

For many, they had never worked with 3D Ear Impressions before. That is where our expertise came in.

We took this technology to them and opened up a new way of building shells, and actively participated in the trial and testing to ensure that their high standards can be met when using our impressions.

We are proud to be the official 3D Impression provider for our partner brands!

Free 3D Impressions

Book online today

Every set of Custom In Ear Monitors from DCA gets a free set of 3D Impressions as standard, taken wherever is convenient to you.



Manufacturers are very specific about what they need to see in an impression, so with our 3D scanning technology, you get a perfect impression every time and we know you will receive the best fitting product from our partners. 

We'll always arrange a time and place that is convenient to you, and with the world's first mobile scanning station for Custom In Ear Monitors, this new way of working is accessible for everyone.


Our favourite iems right now:

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